Riding with a N.Y. State of Mind on a No. 22 Little Wing

Like so many whose lives are enhanced by cycling, Moe Adams, born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., is obsessed with that sense of freedom he feels when he explores the city by bike.
The streets of New York are crazy for cyclists, and battling with with cab drivers and delivery trucks at high speeds is both risky and thrilling, but this has become second nature for Adams. His obsession with the simplicity of track bike builds and the clean lines of track frames led him to find the perfectly responsive companion, his custom No. 22 Little Wing (which he calls “The Grimace”) from Brooklyn's Deluxe Cycles in 2016.
Adams rides at all hours through the city. “It’s a part of who I am," he says — and he rides everywhere for fun, but is also a fixture on the Alley Cat and Gold Sprints race scenes.
Adams got introduced to cycling about 10 years ago. Before that, his preferred mode of transportation was a skateboard, which primed him for being aggressive through tight lines between cars, and up on the crowded sidewalks of New York.
“My friend broke my board, so I bought a cheap bike on eBay because I had no other way to get around,” he says. “The passion grew from there.”
He became acquainted with No. 22 when the brand was still quite young.
“I was looking into building a titanium bike. After reading up on this a bit more, and becoming introduced to the team, it was a no-brainer to go with them for my custom bike,” he says.
Adams has been nothing but in love with his Little Wing.
“My No. 22 bike is hands down the most comfortable bike that I’ve been on. The craftsmanship and attention to detail were significant factors for me when considering my build.”
Adams is as comfortable weaving in and out of traffic on his fixie through New York City as he is walking. “I just get on my bike and go,” he says. The chaos on the streets means you have to constantly be scanning, plotting your next move, and searching for an alternate escape route in case of a vehicle door flying open or a merging city bus. Adams says that New York's barrage of constant unforeseen dangers continues to challenge him to become a better cyclist.
He acknowledges the potential danger that comes with riding aggressively in the city, but says that the scene in New York is changing and growing all the time, and that cyclists are finally starting to get respect from drivers in the battle for space on the streets.
It takes serious skill to navigate through such chaos without gears or brakes. “What I love about the fixie is the simplicity of it,” Adams explains. "It allows you to become one with your bike.”
In New York City, anyone familiar with Gold Sprint racing — a spectator-friendly event where riders pedal furiously, pushing themselves to their limits on rollers in front of a crowd who can watch their measured progress on a projected screen — will know of Adams. He’s won more Gold Sprints than he can remember. His secret? “I was a runner as a kid. Those 100-, 200-, 400-metre dashes… I think that sprinting power translated over.”
For Adams, cycling truly is a way of life — he’s turned his passion into a career with God & Famous, a company catering to the road and fixie communities with apparel, headwear and “other oddities,” such as this crazy 90s-inspired kit. “Our main priority is to promote cycling through the eyes of cyclists," he says. "It’s a young brand, but I’m thrilled with the growth we’ve experienced so far."
As Adams continues to spread his passion for cycling and enjoy his city by bicycle, he is also getting ready for this birth of his first child with his wife.