
A Deep Dive Into our New 3D Printed Dropouts

If you asked any framebuilder what is the part that most drives the construction of a frame, chances are they'll tell you it's the dropout. The dropout is responsible for more design and construction decisions than any other part of a frame, and plays a key role in the frame's structure, alignment, serviceability, durability and looks. Against that backdrop we began the process of revising our disc brake dropouts nearly three years ago, and after several years of iterating, prototyping, testing, and revising we are pleased to be rolling out the latest iteration of our dropouts at last.

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A Deep Dive Into our New 3D Printed Dropouts

A glimpse into the future, and a special Little Wing from Seoul

Early summer has been busy as always with No. 22, and we're happy to pull back the curtain on a few things we're currently working on.In late June we were thrilled to once again take part in Enve's Grodeo and Builder's Roundup at their factory in Ogden, Utah. Once a year Enve invites a select group of framebuilders from around the world to the Builder's Roundup to show off a special build, and participate in rides in the hills from Enve's back door.This year we used the opportunity to show a Drifter with a sneak peek at a few things we have in the works.

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A glimpse into the future, and a special Little Wing from Seoul

There Has Never Been a Better Time for a No. 22

It's no secret that things have been a bit eventful in the bike world for the last two years, and at No. 22 we have had our share of excitement. With rapidly growing sales and supply chain challenges we have had our work cut out for us to navigate the changing landscape. We have been hard at work growing our small team of skilled fabricators, investing in our equipment and growing and improving our production facility. The result is that our current lead time for new orders has now shrunk to the quickest it has been in the last two years: our current delivery estimate for new orders is 16 weeks, pending parts availability.

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There Has Never Been a Better Time for a No. 22